An Honest Review of Proov PdG Tests

Are you interested in testing your progesterone at home with Proov?

If you decide to purchase, use promocode: CHARTYOURFERTILITY for 30% off the original PdG tests or Proov and Confirm.

Proov tests check levels of the hormone metabolite PdG in the urine. Proov tests are an FDA approved product. People who are ovulating produce the hormone progesterone after ovulation. If you are a fertility awareness charter, you can use these tests to double check that ovulation has occurred along with your other fertility signs. If you are seeking to become pregnant, you can use these tests to help see if your luteal phase is sufficient to support a pregnancy.

Here are a few links on recent studies so that you can be more informed about using this product:

Proov is Clinically Validated

Study on Urinary Hormones and Progesterone

Study on Proov Combined with Fertility Awareness Methods

Study on Combining Proov with Clearblue

I have personally been using Proov since 2019. I can highly recommend this product. Proov has excellent customer service and is continually trying to improve their services and expand product options.

My most common day to get my first positive Proov is approximately 3 to 5 days after a positive LH test. I love having Proov as a crosscheck so that I can have an extra way to confirm ovulation. I like having a ton of data in my fertility awareness routine.

For those trying to conceive, the tests can be used around 7 to 10 days post ovulation (counting from positive LH test). If the tests are positive, this is a good sign that your progesterone is high enough when implantation is most likely to occur on days 7 to 10 post positive LH test.

I used it 7 to 10 days past my first positive LH test to see if my progesterone levels were high enough in the last part of my cycle. Ideally, for conception purposes, you want to see positive Proov tests on days 7 through 10.

These tests are also useful for people with irregular cycles or tough cervical mucus patterns because they can help you know if you have indeed ovulated.

The Proov Insight app can help you read your tests, including PdG, LH tests and the new Multihormone test! It recently updated to include numeric values. This makes the data even more meaningful! Some people struggle reading Proov, and the app is definitely useful for those people.

The app will give you an “ovulation score” based on whether your tests are positive during the days most likely for implantation. This ovulation score can help you plan to improve your health if you notice low PdG levels.

It’s me!
My ovulation score!
PdG levels in the app

I highly recommend trying Proov if you are curious about your progesterone! For now, I have decided to make Proov a permanent part of my fertility awareness routine.

Use promocode CHARTYOURFERTILITY for 30%!